#Setting up the data for chapter #Import the required packagesimport pandas as pdfrom bokeh.sampledata.stocks import AAPLdf_apple = pd.DataFrame(AAPL)df_apple['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_apple['date'])#Import the required packagesfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import figurefrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource#Create the ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(data = { 'x' : df_apple['high'], 'y' : df_apple['low'], 'x1': df_apple['open'], 'y1': df_apple['close'], 'x2': df_apple['date'], 'y2': df_apple['volume'], })#Adding titles to plots#Import the required packagesfrom bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file#Create the plot with the titleplot3 = figure(title = "5 year time series distribution of volumn of Apple stocks traded", title_location = "above", x_axis_type = 'datetime', x_axis_label = 'date', y_axis_label = 'Volume Traded')#Create the time series plotplot3.line(x = 'x2', y = 'y2', source = data, color = 'red')plot3.circle(x = 'x2', y = 'y2', source = data, fill_color = 'white', size = 3)#Output the plotoutput_file('title.html')show(plot3)
#Setting up the data for chapter #Import the required packagesimport pandas as pdfrom bokeh.sampledata.stocks import AAPLdf_apple = pd.DataFrame(AAPL)df_apple['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_apple['date'])#Import the required packagesfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import figurefrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource#Create the ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(data = { 'x' : df_apple['high'], 'y' : df_apple['low'], 'x1': df_apple['open'], 'y1': df_apple['close'], 'x2': df_apple['date'], 'y2': df_apple['volume'], })#Adding legends to plots#Import the required packagesfrom bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file#Create the two scatter plotsplot = figure()#Create the legendsplot.cross(x = 'x', y = 'y', source = data, color = 'red', size = 10, alpha = 0.8, legend = "High Vs. Low")plot.circle(x = 'x1', y = 'y1', source = data, color = 'green', size = 10, alpha = 0.3, legend = "Open Vs. Close")#Output the plotoutput_file('5.html')show(plot)
#Setting up the data for chapter import pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Import the required packagesfrom bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import figurefrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource#Store the data in the ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)#Create the mapper category_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])#Plot the figureplot = figure()plot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map})#Output the plotoutput_file('category.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import Button#Create the buttonbutton = Button(label="Click me", button_type = "success")#Output the buttonoutput_file("button.html")show(widgetbox(button))
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import CheckboxGroup#Create the checkboxcheckbox = CheckboxGroup( labels=["box: 1", "box: 2", "box: 3"], active=[1, 2])#Output the checkboxoutput_file("checkbox.html")show(widgetbox(checkbox))
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown#Create the menumenu = [("Option 1", "item_1"), ("Option 2", "item_2")]#Create the Dropdowndropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown Menu", button_type="warning", menu=menu)#Output the dropdown menuoutput_file("dropdown.html")show(widgetbox(dropdown))
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import RadioGroup#Create the radio button radio_button = RadioGroup( labels=["Option 1", "Option 2"], active=0)#Output the radio button widgetoutput_file("radiobutton.html")show(widgetbox(radio_button))
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import Slider#Create the slider widgetslider = Slider(start=0, end=50, value=0, step= 5, title="Simple Slider")#Output the slideroutput_file("slider.html")show(widgetbox(slider))
from bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models.widgets import TextInput#Create the text input widgettext_widget = TextInput(value="", title="Type your text here")#Output the text input widgetoutput_file("text_input.html")show(widgetbox(text_widget))
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.models import HoverToolfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.plotting import figureimport pandas as pd#Read in the data and filter for Google and USB stocksimport pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Create the hover tooltiphover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips = [ ('Stock Ticker', '@Name'), ('High Price', '@high'), ('Low Price', '@low')]) #Save the data in a ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)#Create the categorical color mappercategory_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])#Create the plot with the hover tooltipplot = figure(tools = [hover_tool])plot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map})#Output the plotoutput_file('hover.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.models import HoverToolfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.plotting import figureimport pandas as pd#Read in the data and filter for Google and USB stocksimport pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Save the data in a ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)category_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])#Create the plot with the selection tool plot = figure(tools = 'box_select')plot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map}, selection_color = 'green', nonselection_fill_alpha = 0.3, nonselection_fill_color = 'grey')#Output the plotoutput_file('selection.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.models import HoverToolfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.plotting import figureimport pandas as pd#Read in the data and filter for Google and USB stocksimport pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Save the data in a ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)category_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])plot = figure(title = "High Vs. Low Prices (Google & USB)")plot.title.text_color = "red"plot.title.text_font = "times"plot.title.text_font_plot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map})#Output the plotoutput_file('title.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.models import HoverToolfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.plotting import figureimport pandas as pd#Read in the data and filter for Google and USB stocksimport pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Save the data in a ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)category_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])plot = figure(title = "High Vs. Low Prices (Google & USB)")#Configure the outline of the plotplot.outline_line_width = 8plot.outline_line_alpha = 0.8plot.outline_line_color = "black"#Create and output the plotplot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map})output_file('outline.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapperfrom bokeh.models import HoverToolfrom bokeh.io import output_file, showfrom bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.plotting import figureimport pandas as pd#Read in the data and filter for Google and USB stocksimport pandas as pd#Read in the datadf = pd.read_csv('/home/andrew/code/kaggle-code/stock_data/all_stocks_5yr.csv')df_multiple = df[(df['Name'] == 'GOOGL') | (df['Name'] == 'USB')]#Save the data in a ColumnDataSource objectdata = ColumnDataSource(df_multiple)category_map = CategoricalColorMapper( factors = ['GOOGL', 'USB'], palette = ['blue', 'red'])plot = figure(title = "High Vs. Low Prices (Google & USB)")plot.xaxis.axis_label = "High Prices"plot.xaxis.axis_label_text_color = "green"plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Low Prices"plot.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_plot.circle('high', 'low', size = 8, source = data, color = {'field': 'Name', 'transform': category_map})#Output the plotoutput_file('label.html')show(plot)
from bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models import Sliderfrom bokeh.io import curdoc#Create a slider widgetslider_widget = Slider(start = 0, end = 100, step = 10, title = 'Single Slider')#Create a layout for the widgetslider_layout = widgetbox(slider_widget)#Add the slider widget to the applicationcurdoc().add_root(slider_layout)
$ bokeh serve --show 6_single_slider.py 2018-08-07 22:31:08,152 Starting Bokeh server version 0.13.0 (running on Tornado 5.0.2)2018-08-07 22:31:08,157 Bokeh app running at: http://localhost:5006/6_single_slider2018-08-07 22:31:08,157 Starting Bokeh server with process id: 4004[4014:4042:0807/223108.727386:ERROR:browser_gpu_channel_host_factory.cc(120)] Failed to launch GPU process.2018-08-07 22:31:08,734 200 GET /6_single_slider (::1) 25.01ms2018-08-07 22:31:09,235 101 GET /6_single_slider/ws?bokeh-protocol-version=1.0&bokeh-session-id=DIPJXgIOQBG65IwoBU8WsZ2dCevD8Ex0mrEfG9hKs1Gm (::1) 1.09ms2018-08-07 22:31:09,236 WebSocket connection opened2018-08-07 22:31:09,236 ServerConnection created
from bokeh.layouts import widgetboxfrom bokeh.models import Sliderfrom bokeh.io import curdoc#Create multiple slider widgetsslider_widget1 = Slider(start = 0, end = 100, step = 10, title = 'Slider 1')slider_widget2 = Slider(start = 0, end = 50, step = 5, title = 'Slider 2')slider_widget3 = Slider(start = 50, end = 100, step = 5, title = 'Slider 3')#Create a layout for the widgetslider_layout = widgetbox(slider_widget1, slider_widget2, slider_widget3)#Add the slider widget to the applicationcurdoc().add_root(slider_layout)
from bokeh.models import Slider, ColumnDataSourcefrom bokeh.io import curdocfrom bokeh.layouts import rowfrom bokeh.plotting import figurefrom numpy.random import random#Create data for the plotinitial_points = 500data_points = ColumnDataSource(data = {'x': random(initial_points), 'y': random(initial_points)})#Create the plotplot = figure(title = "Random scatter plot generator")plot.diamond(x = 'x', y = 'y', source = data_points, color = 'red')#Create the slider widgetslider_widget = Slider(start = 0, end = 10000, step = 10, value = initial_points, title = 'Slide right to increase number of points')#Define the callback functiondef callback(attr, old, new): points = slider_widget.value data_points.data = {'x': random(points), 'y': random(points)} slider_widget.on_change('value', callback)#Create a layout for the applicationlayout = row(slider_widget, plot)#Add the layout to the applicationcurdoc().add_root(layout)
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